Voices from pregnancy terminationists…and choices

“Section 301. Any woman who causes an abortion herself or allows another person to cause an abortion while she is more than twelve weeks pregnant. Must be punished with imprisonment not exceeding six months. or a fine not exceeding ten thousand baht or both.”

“Section 305 If the offense under Section 301 or Section 302 is committed by a medical practitioner and according to the rules of the Medical Council in the following cases: The perpetrator is not guilty.

(1) It is necessary to do this because if a woman continues to be pregnant there will be a risk of harm to her physical or mental health.
(2) It is necessary to do so because there is a great risk or there is medical reason to believe that if the baby is born there will be an abnormality to the point of serious disability.
(3) A woman confirms to a medical practitioner that she is pregnant because of a sexual offense.
(4) A woman whose pregnancy is not more than twelve weeks confirms that she will terminate the pregnancy.
(5) A woman whose pregnancy is more than twelve weeks. but not more than twenty weeks Confirm that you will terminate the pregnancy after examination and receive alternative counseling from medical practitioners and other professionals in accordance with the criteria and methods announced by the Minister of Public Health with the advice of the Medical Council and relevant agencies according to law. Concerning the prevention and resolution of teenage pregnancy problems” (Office of the Council of State, 2021)

From part of the current Criminal Code above It can be said that the situation regarding termination of pregnancy rights in Thailand has progressed from the past when termination of pregnancy used to be classified as a complete crime. Amidst the debate over the appropriateness and scope of termination of pregnancy by those who adhere to a value framework determined by religious beliefs and those who believe in the freedom of human life. What cannot be denied are the constant sounds of suffering from women with unwanted pregnancies who hope termination will be the light at the end of the tunnel for them. Such voices do not just arise from medical procedures, but often originate from the traditional values ​​of Thai society where termination of pregnancy is not widely accepted.

“Being pregnant and having to have an abortion is not fun. It’s never fun.”

“A lot of times we think, ‘Yes, this has never happened to you.’ You never had to suffer like we did. Do you have to wait until one day you or someone close to you will be hurt like us?”

“We are in this much pain. But why don’t we exist there? No one is interested in us. It’s not fair at all that we have to face this alone.” (Phakjira Matapitak, 2023)

Their voices are not only confirmation that “No one intends to get pregnant in order to have an abortion” is also a reflection that those who do not accept the right to terminate a pregnancy are overlooking something. What is overlooked is the right to a normal life and the right to access abortion services for women who experience an unwanted pregnancy. Even though currently the law is more supportive of the right to terminate pregnancy. Difficulties in access and cost of pregnancy termination services are partly reflected in this voice.

“We are very worried about the cost…because the cost of an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy is between 5,000 – 10,000 baht. As far as information has been found anywhere, the starting cost is this much. And we didn’t have much money at that time. So it became a major concern that delayed our decision.”

“When we went to have an abortion, we were already at a high gestational age…The high gestational age made us even more worried about safety. In the end, we had to use almost the last bit of money we had to receive services” (Phakjira Matapitak, ibid.).

As these voices are increasingly discussed in society Some well-meaning individuals may suggest that women undergoing pregnancy termination services consider pregnancy termination drugs such as Mifepristone and misoprostol. (Misoprostol). However, both drugs can cause side effects, especially nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and dizziness. and muscle weakness There are also health precautions that people who want to terminate their pregnancy using this method need to see a doctor for consultation before starting to use the medicine. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, blood disease, lung disease, asthma, kidney disease, or severe adrenal gland disease, you should not use these drugs. (Family Planning Association of Thailand, 2022) and even though there are no such health limitations Those wishing to terminate their pregnancy with medication should also consult their doctor before beginning the procedure. You should not buy medicine to use without the supervision of a doctor. This is for the safety of the health of the person who wants to terminate the pregnancy.

In addition to the options mentioned above, the clinic services of the Family Planning Association of Thailand (IPST) are available under the Royal Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra Boromarajonani. Yet another option Because such services cover everything from family planning counseling services Birth control medical supply distribution service Reproductive health examination up to terminating the pregnancy with a cost of approximately 3,500 – 6,000 baht (excluding other medical services related to terminating the pregnancy). Interested persons can access the NBT clinic at a number of clinics. 9 locations nationwide as follows

1. NST Phuket Medical Clinic
2. NBT Medical Clinic, Hat Yai
3. NBT Bang Khen Medical Clinic
4. Pinklao Medical Clinic
5. NBT Medical Clinic, Ubon Ratchathani
6. NBT Medical Clinic, Khon Kaen
7. Lampang Medical Clinic
8. NBT Chiang Rai Medical Clinic and
9. NBT Clinic, Chiang Mai

From all of the above It can be seen that although the situation of pregnancy termination rights in Thailand has improved from the past, But those wishing to exercise that right still face many obstacles in practice. Here, promoting the right to long-term termination of pregnancy would not be the only change in the law. It also means highlighting the voices of women who experience unwanted pregnancies, promoting positive attitudes towards abortion in society and increasing access to abortion services for all people. group as well As such, every woman will have more opportunities and options for taking care of her reproductive health. This is in line with the growth of the concept of human rights.

SWAT supports all women to have access to legal and safe abortion services. To respond to this mission Therefore, SWAT has provided self-termination of pregnancy services via telemedicine. which is a convenient new service There is no need to travel, maintaining confidentiality and providing privacy for service users. There is a team of doctors and nurses providing close care as if coming to use the services at the clinic. And you can ask for advice at any time throughout the process of terminating your pregnancy. For more information, click ppat.clinic or call 1452.

Reference list

Phakjira Matapitak ( 2023). Listen to the voices ofwomen who have had abortionson a day when criminal penalties, stigma and moral bias force women to die. The 101.World. https://www.the101.world/abortion-is-not-a-crime/


Family Planning Association of Thailand (IPST) under the Royal Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra Boromarajonani (2565). Things you should know before using Medication to terminate pregnancy. Family Planning Association of Thailand.


Family Planning Association of Thailand (IPST) under the Royal Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra Boromarajonani (M.P.P.). NBT Medical Clinic Family Planning Association of Thailand.


Office of the Council of State ( 2021). Criminal Code. Krisdika.go.th.
